
Your Fingers Can Tell You A Lot About Your Personality: What Kind of Fingers Do You Have?

Do you have any idea that fingers can be very informative about everything about our personality? You might be surprised as readers, but using finger biometrics, such as finger length, shape, and others, one can actually get quite close to understanding who the person is. So let’s look at what your fingers may say about you!

The Science Behind It

Whereas most research remains unreported, some of it reveals interesting trivia. According to one of the most interesting studies, self-observation that focuses on hands and fingers may help to determine a person’s character. While the sources of these statistics are at times dubious as to ensure that the presented information is absolutely true, all of them are surely interesting and can be amusing to analyze.

Finger Length and Personality

Your finger length is one of the simplest methods that scientists attempt to decode your personality. In specific, the method that is most often measured concerns the relationship of the length of the first and the third fingers of the right hand, namely the index and the ring fingers.

This ratio is known as the ‘digit ratio’ and can reveal all kinds of things about you—how you approach life, relationships, and work included.

  • Longer Ring Finger than Index Finger: For men, if your ring finger is longer than the index finger, you can be assured of confidence, competitiveness, and assertiveness. These are people who are perceived as risk takers and may well do so if they are placed in leadership roles. You are going to be innovative and be full of energy that will be focused towards the accomplishment of the laid down objectives.
  • Longer Index Finger than Ring Finger: If, for instance, your index finger is longer than your ring finger, you can assume that you are rather prudent, skeptical, and perfectionist. People with this ratio are likely to be very methodical thinkers who like structure and order. They tend to apply critical thinking in their actions and are slow to do something; therefore, they are useful to their families.

Finger Shapes and What They Say

Finger shape, by the same token, can tell a lot about a person’s personality type.

  • Long Fingers: People with long fingers are logical and pragmatic and prefer to stay alone. If you have long fingers, then you are probably a wise person who loves to engage in critical thinking processes. You can be more shy and prefer to think about some idea or concept in the classroom.
  • Short Fingers: Those who have short fingers are said to be active, lively, and often succumbing to impulse. You most likely like impulse, risk, and change, preferring easy solutions as you love the present time. Your passions and outgoing nature make it easy for you to rub shoulders with others.
  • Square Fingers: If your fingers are square, then you may be responsible and realistic. Skeptical and reliable, people who have square fingers are known to be hardworking and rather down-to-earth. Based on the above results, it can be inferred that you may bed somewhat traditional, conventional and routine in your life.
  • Tapered Fingers: The fingers provided with a narrow end are mainly related to creative and artistic characters. If your fingers are tapered, you are possibly attractive, creative, impressionable, and sentimental. You probably like drawing and/or painting, and you also most probably have a different way of doing things.

The Importance of Thumb Position

Your thumb also is useful in determining who you are as a person as you try to deny someone a chance. A good hand is said to be one with a straight and a well-developed thumb, as this is said to point at determination. Although the middling phalange on the thumb has two possibilities of formation, a flexible thumb might point to an open-minded person.


It might sound rather peculiar to hear that your fingers might actually give a lot of information about your personality, but it is not bad to entertain this idea.

Regardless of the length, thickness, and shape of your fingers, it is possible to discover something significant about the owner’s personality. The next time you look at your hands, you will be surprised at the personality traits you might have, based on the lines on your hands!

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